Welcome to your team effort! Olark
In the early days of Olark, when there were just the four founders and a couple of engineers, we took a very traditional approach to customer service. We did what most companies do and hired someone smart to handle it. In fact, Andrew did such an amazing job of handling issues that we hardly heard from our customers.
When Andrew decided to go back to finish his degree, the founders took turns chatting with our customers and responding to their support email. We found the difference was night and day. Before, our insight was conveyed to us through support tickets or Andrew’s notes. Now we could see customer issues first hand, and moreover, as the product team, we were able to do something about them.
As Olark grew, we spread this insight across our entire team by rotating all of our employees into customer service. We call this All Hands Support. This has been amazing for the development of Olark and we want to share these benefits with other teams. During All Hands Support Month we hope to provide templates that other companies can use to create their own take on All Hands Support.
To get started, sign up for All Hands Support Day! Olark customers with paid accounts can register Free Unlimited Operators on April 24th and keep them for a month! We'll also have training throughout the month to get your team up to speed and a kickoff party in San Francisco